The search for my ancestors in Honau led to a lareger project of several months.
What happended? I just wanted to find my ancestor, Margaretha Elisabetha Stahlecker, daughter of Johann Ludwig Stahlecker and Maria Elisabetha Reiff. I found them quickly in the baptism register. Hover it was extremly difficult to find the details for the parents: Michael Stahlecker and his wife Anna Barbara Tröster.
The selective search I started in the death registers produced only irritating results which didn’t fit at all. When I scanned the family register entries I noted that there have been several emigrants from Honau including several Stahlecker family members.
In order to understand possible family connections I recorded them in my database and as I always try to provide additional ancestral information it was clear that I have to dig much deeper to get the family connections correct.
Therefore I started recording all entries of the baptism, marriage and death records as follows:
• Birth/baptism records 1667 – 1780 (Volume 1)
• Marriage reocrds 1673 – 1785 (Volume 4)
• Death records 1673 – 1783 (Volume 5)
in an Excel-Sheet..
In the Excel sheet I have matched all death records with the available birth records. The tab named “Tod” contains mostly the entries of those who where born in different cities but married to Honau spouses or children which were not recorded in the baptism records.
The recorded entries were then compiled in a Word document to present the family view.
During the recording of the death records I noticed that there is a time lack after Jan 3rd, 1725 and Nov 11th, 1730 (ref. is made to picture 398 on the ancestry film). From 173o to 1741 the entries are extremely miniaml and they return to a more detailed level after 1741.
Although I couldn’t clarify the questions I have started with the result is now a transcription of the early church records in Honau.
The following files are ready for download:
• Family view
• Excel file with the detailed records
• PDF file with all records recorded in my database with a connection to Honau.
All three files can be downloaded in a ZIP-file.
Here are the emigrant names which are recorded:
Blickle, Fauser, Gekeler, Hageloch, Haid, Haux, Hees, Kazmaier, Krieg, Martinitz, Reiff, Sauer, Schenk, Schlegel, Stahlecker and Werner.
Partially I could already find the death or burial places.