Emigration to Lucas Co., OH

Moving on to Lucas Co., OH

Search for ancestors

After intensive research done in Crawford Co., OH and Williams Co., OH I have noticed that after a first time of settlement or at least in the next generation some emigrants and their descendants moved to Lucas Co.

The Historical Society and I are very interested to know where the emigrants finally settled and what happened to them in the New World. Therefore we would be very much interested to get in touch with the descendants of the emigrants and we would be happy to share the ancestral information. With the name  and birth date of your ancestor I should be able to match it with the data in my database. In case of a match I will be happy to provide additional information about your German roots and family relationships.

Posts related to Lucas Co., OH

A few weeks ago, Juegen Schrade, a researcher from Nuremberg, Bavaria contacted and asked me whether I have information about Kaspar Grauer from Kusterdingen, who...

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