Reicheneck (E)

Reicheneck is very small town located between Mittelstadt and Metzingen. The center of the town has kept his historical design. Today it belongs to the city of Reutlingen.


The Kemmler family in Reicheneck was started by Johann Daniel Kemmler (*26.9.1789) from Wankheim,  who married Regina Barbara Kuder from Reicheneck. Both settled in Reicheneck and all her kids were born here.  Two of their sons, Johann Daniel Kemmler and Sigmund Kemmler and one daughter, Regine emigrated to the USA and settled in Pennsylvania and in New Orleans. I have researched the descendants of these 3 emigrants nearly completely and have received precious documents during that research

Last names of the emigrants

Kemmler, Wandel


Stadtverwaltung Reutlingen

Lutheran parish in Reicheneck

The parish is part of the parish in Mittelstadt.
Pfarramt Reicheneck
Alte Dorfstraße 21
72766 Reutlingen
Phone: +49 7121 4869758
Email: pfarramt.reicheneck@​

The Lutheran parish records may be available locally, but they are not accessible to the public. Copies of the books and registers have been microfilmed by the Wuerttembergische Evangelische Kirche. Copies of the microfilms are also available via the Mormon church or Online via, or

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During my research I found the emigrant Robert Eugen Kemmler, born July 6, 1867 in Rudersberg, Germany. His father was, Gottlieb Kemmler, was a teacher...

Sigmund Kemmler, born May 9, 1798 in Wankheim emigrated in 1817 via Reicheneck to Bessarabia. His parents had moved from Wankheim to Reicheneck. In Arzis...

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