Kemmler in Pennsylvania

In the past months I have scanned the US newspapers for Pennsylvania on in order to find birth notices,  marriage notices, anniversary information and obituaries,  respectively reports about family reunions providing family informations for the nam Kemmler and its typing variations Kemler and Kimler.

I have extracted all available information and tried to validate it with other available sources and stored in my database and connected it with the already available emigration information and the ancestors in Germany mainly in the states of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hessen.

There are several descendant trees where I don’t have the connection yet and I will need the assistance of the descendants to find the remaining missing pieces of information to locate the German birth and emigration place.

In the next step I would like to get in contact with the members of the families in order to reconcile the collected information and share the ancestral information available in my database.

The hotspots in Pennsylvania

Kemmler spread in Pennsylvania by Coounty

The top hotspots on city level are Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Water Street, Hazleton, Berwick, Jim Thorpe.

On the county level  Allegheny, Luzerne, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Lackawanna,  Huntingdon, Carbon, Columbia, Blair and Erie County are the places to mention. 

The map on the right shows the Kemmler’s /Kemler’s/Kimler’s born in Pennsylvania. 

The map consists of two layers. The first layer (black dots) show the birth places with all the people who are born in that place. You will get the details when you click on the dot.

Underlying is a layer showing the places as red dots. The larger ones are the hotspots (larger red dot below the black dots). This layer will give you the number of persons who are born in that place.

You can also display the map directly in a new tab using additional functionality:

Note: The larger dot in Harrisburg represent those records where only the state is known. 

Kemmler/Kemler/Kimler born in PA are available online

To simplify the process of finding your ancestors I have selected all emigrants which started new family trees in Pennslyvania and selected their descendants in a special group which I have stored in the Rootsmagic Online services. The data will be regularly updated.

You can access the information at: 

If you have found yourself, your parents or grand-parents I would appreciate if you could get in contact with me. I would be happy to share your ancestral tree with all recorded generations.  You can choose whether your want a PDF-file or a GEDCOM-file for the import in your genealogy software.

For more information about the name Kemmler I would recommend the following link: or the interactive maps which are updated regularly as well. 

Orphaned entries

Subsquently you will find a list of orphaned entries in my database where I would appreciate if I could get addtional information about the parents and paternal grand-parents in order to link them to the existing trees.

Abigail Kimler-31329

Florence Jeannette Kemmler-31264

Individual Summary Florence Jeannette Kemmler

She is possibly the daughter of Conrad Kemmler, born in Dusslingen, Germany and died in Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania

The family sheet can be downloaded here.

Sondra E. Kemler-31252

Individual Summary Sondra E. Kemler

Frederick Kemmler

William J. Kemler-28669

William J. Kemler

Winifred Kemler-30982


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