

Presentation “On the tracks of the emigrants” for the Historical Society  (Geschichtsverein Haerten)

Under the above title I have held a presentation on Oct 14, 2005 for the Historical Society in the inn “Mayer’s  Waldhorn” in Maehringen. In the meantime I have translated the presentation into English.

Download English version (PDF format 6,1 MB)


Presentation "Emgiration from the Haerten" for the Historical Society (Geschichtsverein Haerten)

At the occassion of the visit of Mary and Wes Riehle and Kay and Richard Riehle in the hometown of the men’s ancestor: Maehringen the Historical Society arranged another occassion for a presentation about the emigration of the Haerten.
Download English version (PDF-Format 4,4 MB

Book "Greetings to the homeland of my ancestors"

As a special giveaway I have asked my friends and cousins, being descendants of the emigrants whether they would  be prepared to send me some greeting words or a story about their ancestors. From all the great contributions I  produced a multilingual booklet consisting of two parts. The first part contains the greeting letters I have received  in original language and the second part contains stories about the life and experiences of the emigrants. The original text was translated in German as well. The layour of the file is prepared for double-sided printout to be bound like a book. Due to licenses reasons the usage of the document is limited for private use only! Since the first version additional descendants of the Haerten emigrants did deliver their parts and have been incorporated in the current version.
Download your personal version of the booklet (PDF-Format 13 MB) .

German version: Grüße an die Heimat meiner Vorfahren (PDF-Format 13 MB)

Scrapbook of the emigrants of the Haerten

The PDF-file contains one page for every emigrant of the Haerten where I have a picture assosciated with birth, death and emigration information.

Pictures of the emigrants from the Haerten


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