Grauer (E)

The name Grauer plays an important role in my ancestor tree as well. Due to the fact that I have built out a number of very close relationships with descendants of Grauer emigrants  I have a lot of information on this family name. My special thanks in that respect goes to Tim Grauer and Dick Kreitner who provided with exceptional material over time.

Posts related to the Grauer name

Thanks to the excellent Grauer researcher network we were able to establish the contact to the descendants of the emigrant from Maehringen, Isidor Grauer. Christian...

A few weeks ago, Juegen Schrade, a researcher from Nuremberg, Bavaria contacted and asked me whether I have information about Kaspar Grauer from Kusterdingen, who...

After a longer break I can continue my postings on the website. Today I will invite you to a little journey through my photo archive...

From Dick Kreitner, CT Background When my grandmother Anna Jeanette Grauer died in 1970, I was fortunate to receive a box of letters and documents...

Typical emigration ports The emigration from Wuerttemberg happened mostly via the following ports: Le Havre (France), Antwerp (Belgium), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Bremen and Hamburg (Germany). The...

Another successful family reunion between the descendants of emigrants and their hometown area worked out in 2004. Steve contacted me in May 2004 shortly before...

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