Welcome to my genealogy website
This website is all about the name Kemmler and its spelling variations and the emigration from my hometown area (Haerten).
I wish you a happy New Year 2025!
About the name Kemmler
Different spellings
According heraldic sources the original spelling was Kembler or Kambler. Very likely the name was derived from the profession of wool coombing.
Today the following spellings are used: Kemler, Kimmler, Kimler, Kämler or Kaemler.
First evidence of the name
The first evidence of the name was found around 1350.
The name is first found in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the counties of Tuebingen and Reutlingen.
A second hotspot was found in Hessen around 1630 in the cities of Grossenmoor, Rothenkirchen and Burghaun. Some descendants created new lines in Frankfurt/Mörfelden and in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
During the research in the church records you will come across entries, where parts of the whole family emigrated.
These entries quickly attracted my attention and I got in contact with researchers being a descendant from those emigrants.
After I found out that a local historian, Dr. Walter Schmid, had written the book “Die Auswanderung von den Härten” I was hooked by the topic. and I have extracted all emigrants and one or two generations of ancestors from the churhch books.
In the last years I have intensified the research about the settlements of the emigrants and tried to find out more about their descendants.
The current success ratio is at 61,06 %
Latest posts
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In August the no. of recorded emigrants exceeded the 3,400 mark and totals to 3,459 perons. The last recorded emigrants came from small villages in...
Over the last two decades of research for the name Kemmler I already had evidence that the name Kemmler existed as well in Silesia (today...
The Haerten cities
With the click on the image you get to the detailed description of the city.
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