Ruedigers Genealogy Website

Walker (E)

The name Walker is as common as Kemmler in my hometown area. I’m aware of at least one case where also on the Walker side all parents have been Walker from various tribes of the family.

Thanks to the close cooperation with my cousins Brenda Kearns and Gena Schantz in the US, who are descendants of two Walker brothers from Wankheim I have a number of great documents and information on the Walker families.

Posts related to the Walker name

Visit in Hartford City

I had already an intense email contact with Brenda (Walker) Kearns and with Gena (Trant) Schantz establishing the link with their closest relatives in Germany,...

In 2004 the next generation came to visit Germany. After their parents Charles and Betty Walker in 2002, Brenda Kearns with her husband John and...

After my first visit to the Walker family in Hartford City, Indiana in April 2002 the grand-sons of the the emigrated Johann Friedrich Walker, Charles...

Katherine Walker was the daughter of the emigrants of Johann Georg Walker and Elisabeth Barbara Durr.


From relatives I have found in Crawford Co. I got a copy of a “Wanderpass”, it’s like an early passport. The cover of the “Wanderbuch”...

This is the tombstone of Johann Georg Walker who emigrated in 1834 from Wankheim and was the first of several Walker emigrants. Three of his...

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