Wanderbuch of Johann Georg Walker

Wanderbuch Johann Georg Walker

From relatives  I have found in Crawford Co. I got a copy of a “Wanderpass”, it’s like an early passport. The cover of the “Wanderbuch” of Johann Georg Walker. It contains several places
where he has stopped on his way from Wankheim to the port of Bremen where he obviously took the ship to America.

Page 3 & 4 of the Wanderbuch
Page 3 & 4 of the Wanderbuch of Johann Georg Walker
Page 3 & 4 of the Wanderbuch of Johann Georg Walker

On page 3 a description of the person is given and also shows the signature of Johann Georg Walker.
The description says:
Age: 22 years
Size: 6 feet (German)
Figure: strong
Face: longish
Hair: brown
Forehead: flat
Eyebrows: brown
Eyes: blue
Nose: ?
Jowl: half full
Mouth: middle
Teeth: good
Chin: round
Legs: even
Distinguishing marks: none

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