Contact made to the Swiss descendants of the emigrant Isidor Grauer

Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit Schweiz und Mähringen

Thanks to the excellent Grauer researcher network we were able to establish the contact to the descendants of the emigrant from Maehringen, Isidor Grauer.

Christian Grauer, great-great-grand-son of Isidor Grauer, contacted Dick Kreitner in the U.S. (they are fifth cousins) and Dick established the contact with me. After searching in my database I could also find a relationship to Christian (cousin 7th degree). Thanks to my substantial database I could provide Christian additional information about the ancestors of Isidor Grauer.

Isidor Grauer (*1833) married a Swiss lady called Antonia Schnetzer. She was born near St. Gallen. They were married  on Sep 23, 1858 in Maehringen. After the marriage the couple moved to Switzerland and settled there. All there children are borne in Switzerland. Isidor Grauer is the son of Johann Georg Grauer (1804 – 1877) and Maria Magdalena Kuttler (1801 – 1848) from Maehringen, Johann Georg’s wife Maria Magdalena orginally was born in Stockach.

His brother, Johann Bernhard Grauer (*1836) emigrated into the U.S. and his brother Johann Jacob Grauer (*1839)  emigrated as well to Switzerland.

Three sisters,  Magdalena, Maria Agnes and Maria Elisabeth Grauer remained in Wuerttemberg as far as we know.

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