Top 10 Distribution according countries
This graph shows the extremely high portion (81%) of emigrants who settled in the U.S.
Top 10 distribution according countries – for the name Kemmler only
For the Kemmler portion the US part is about 10% smaller than for all emigrants.
Top 10 distribution according countries for emigrants from the Haerten area
The emigrants from the Haerten area show a quite similar distribution than the overall number of emigrants.
Overall distribution by cities
There is no big surprise that Florence Twp. in OH has a leading position. However the no 2. with Sapiezanka in Transylvania surprised me totally.
Distribution by cities for the name Kemmler
Selecting only the name Kemmler shows again quite a big difference to the overall distribution. New Orleans dominates the ranking with a share of 25%.
Distribution by cities for the emigrants from the Haerten area
No surprise here. This chart is close to the overall distribution.
Files for download
In order to allow you to do your own analysis I have stored the underlying Excel file on the web server for download.
In case of a non-North American category you will find the area in the county field.