Rapid growing no. of emigrants

2426 Auswanderer Online

The search for the whereabouts for the known emigrants led to an increase of the total recorded emigrants to 2,426.

Here some short facts:

Total emigrants 2.426
 – emigrated to the U.S. 1.973
– death place is known 1.257
– burial place is known 1.118
Emigrants from the Haerten area: 1.060
– death place is known 491
– burial place is known 465

All the information is available on the webseite, as well on ancestry.com. Please be aware that the ancestry link only shows the Walz family in the family tree view. To locate others you have to use the person search function to see all of them.

When you have found your ancestor in one of the lists, please contact me by email or by using the contact for  contact form  of the website. If available I’m happy to share additional information about the ancestors of the emigrated person.

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