Updated Emigration Statistics – US

Available information

During the last days I have made an update on the statistics in my emigrant database. The total number of persons who emigrated to North America is 1.423 whereof 2 settled in Canada and 571 in the U.S. For 851 persons I only now that they emigrated to North America, with a high probability, that most of them emigrated to the U.S.

The subsequent chart illustrates the percentages about the level of detail I currently have in respect where they finally settled or died.

201509-General-distribution149% are still not known but for at least  for 71,6% of the known US emigrants City information is available.  Hopefully we can reduce the number of unknowns over time.

Breakdown by state

201509 Top 10 State50% of the emigrants settled in Ohio! That’s amazing! 13% in Iowa and 11% in Pennsylvania have addition major shares.

Breakdown by county

201509 Top 10 CountiesCrawford Co. (29% )and Williams Co. (22%) are the most favorite counties for the emigrated people.

Breakdown by cities

201509 Top 10 CitiesInteresting in this chart is that although OH is leading on a state and county basis, Philadelphia and New Orleans play a top role in the ranking. Nevertheless 4 cities in OH made it under the top 10.


If you want to do some additional analysis like filtering for one specific name or birth place you can download the Excel file with the date and the pivot tables and charts for your personal use.

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