My first meeting with U.S. cousins

Doyle Walz, Tim Grauer, Rüdiger Kemmler
Doyle Walz, Tim Grauer, Rüdiger Kemmler
Doyle Walz, Tim Grauer, Rüdiger Kemmler

Thanks to the internet I got quickly in contact with 2 American researcher, who had their roots on the Haerten.  Tim Grauer und Dolye Walz. It became quickly obvious that we are distant related.

Tim is the great-grandson of Christof Grauer, who lerft Jettenburg in 1862 and settled in Marcus, Cherokee Co., IA. Doyle Walz is the grandson of Christoph Walz, who emigrated in 1888 to Wichita,  KS.

Tim was stationed with the army for a while in Germany and his son was born in Germany. So it was logic that the young boy was baptized in the church of Jettenburg, the home of his ancestors.  Tim had already intensively researched his Grauer-Line, in which also some Kemmler showed up. So I could heavily benefit from his research. During my research I could complete parts of his ancestor tree and so it was a win win situation.  A similar arrangement I had with Doyle Walz, who had done a an intensive research on his Walz family.

In 2000 the opportunity arose that I had a stop over in Denver, close to Tim’s home. So on a short notice we agreed that I will spend the weekend with him and his family.

To my big surprise Tim also invited Doyle Walz  and so the three distant cousins met for the first time in Aurora, Colorado. The reception in the Grauer family was gorgeous . In the evening we did a barbecue and some relatives who lived in the area joined us for dinner.  A lot of questions were asked and lots of information were given about the other side on the ocean. On the next day we drove up to Breckenridge in the Rocky Mountains. On our way we were visiting a gold mine which was transformed in a museum.

Too early we had to say goodbye again. So much to be told was left over.

The contact by email never stopped, but unfortunately we never made it again to meet each other in person.  Both of them are with the Lord.

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